Course curriculum

    1. Intro

    2. Sweet Spot

    3. Inefficient Movement on Reception

    4. The Tier 4 Split Step

    5. Takeaways for the 4 Tiers

    6. Drills to Work on

    1. Intro

    2. Recap of Last Meeting

    3. Studying Lexi Rodriguez

    4. Bad Timing and the Results

    5. Pro Examples

    6. Passing Half the Court

    7. Takeaway Assignment

    1. 1. Scouting Intro

    2. 2. React vs. Respond

    3. 3. What to look for when Scouting

    1. 1. Choose a Side Intro.

    2. 2. What do Floats do

    3. 3. Choose a Side

    4. 4. Open the Door + Drills

    1. Zoe Fleck Prep - Individual Arms and Scouting

About this course

  • Free
  • 21 lessons
  • 3 hours of video content

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