Course curriculum

    1. Intro to the Sweet Spot

    2. Sweet Spot Catching Drill: Area 6

    3. Sweet Spot Catching Drill: Area 5,6,1

    4. Sweet Spot Catching Drill: 5,6,1 Intro

    5. Sweet Spot Passing Drill: Area 5,6,1 Drill Intro

    6. Sweet Spot Passing Drill : Area 5,6,1

    1. 3 Ways to Open the Door - Intro

    2. Open the Door Partner Drill - Introduction

    3. Open the Door Partner Drill

    4. Open the Door - Never Midline Game - Intro

    5. Open the Door - Never Midline Game

    1. Introduction to Split and Distinction Drill (DONE)

    2. Split Step Mirror Drill

    3. 3 Serve Drill to train Split Step Distinction

    1. Passing Jump Serves - Intro

    2. Passing Jump Serves

    1. 1. Intention for the Day

    2. 2. Choose Side - Catch

    3. 3. Choose Side - Pass

    4. 4. Midline Game intro

    5. 5. Midline Game

    6. 6. Tracking Sweet Spot - Demo

    7. 7. Tracking the Sweet Spot

    8. 8. Understanding the Pocket

    9. 9. Open the Door Drill

    10. 10. 3 Ball Drill - intro

    11. 11. 3 Ball Drill

    12. 12. Split Step - Mirror Drill

    13. 13. Training the Split Step - intro

    14. 14. Training the Split Step

    15. 15. Jump Serve Reception - intro

    16. 16. Jump Serve Reception

About this course

  • Free
  • 32 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content

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